Actually, Showing Trump's Dick Would Be Revenge Porn, Libtards

Some of my colleagues are clamoring for the Presidential Privates. I, for one, will not join them. I think it’s gross to reveal the penis/vagina of the one whom you were sleeping with at some point. Tasteless. (not the privates themselves. I still stand behind the fact that vaginas taste like pennies)

The fact that this is even being discussed makes me sick. Shows how far politics have really come. In my day, we didnt talk about our dicks, let alone play with them or,,, clutches pearls,,,, take pictures of them.

And people wonder why we don’t trust the lamestream media.

I will make a promise to you right now. If President Trump’s penis pictures leak online, I will throw on my eclipse glasses for 2 weeks so that I wont see them. Find another website willing to make that promise. You wont. Namaste away from sultry pictures.

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