Grading the Newest Sex Scandal Teacher

OhioA MARRIED PE teacher has been suspended having allegedly admitted romping with “several” students.

Tiffany Eichler, 36, is under investigation in Canton, Ohio after she went to school officials when some of the pupils and parents reportedly blackmailed her. …

The mum-of-four is said to have told police about several instances of sexual behaviour with students, including sex with one boy twice the same night – in the back of her car and the basement of his house.

Police files implied Eichler may have given the lad a sexually transmitted disease and he later “reached out to her.”

He apparently told Eichler he needed $180 for antibiotics and told her to leave the cash in a bag near his home.

Eichler told cops she left $100 but he wanted more, including money for a sibling who had learned of their trysts in Canton, Ohio, US.

The PE teacher also reportedly had sex with a student in her office at McKinley Senior High School before sports practices, the police documents say.

She also allegedly picked up a youngster near his home and took him to a park to have sex during parent-teacher conferences.

The “reprehensible” behaviour started in January 2018, and ended on March 8. …

Eichler “disclosed engaging in sexual conduct with multiple students,” when interviewed by investigators.

I guess in a lot of ways, I’m kind of a simple man. I like my beer cold and my TV loud and my SST stories happy and uplifting. Not filled with drama. So I’m sorry to say that poor Tiffany Eichler’s story has enough drama, intrigue, betrayal, blackmail and Sexually Transmitted Diseases to fill the entire prime time lineup on Bravo.

Which brings me to this reader email I just got:

I met a girl in tinder about a week ago and thought she looked oddly familiar. Went and hung out with her for a few hours this week and still couldn’t get out of my mind how familiar she looked when it hit me that she was one of the sex scandal teacher stories I read of yours. With her not telling who she was I screen shot your article and sent it to her with the message “is this you?”  Needless to say I haven’t heard back from her. Moral of the story your sex scandal teacher grading stories save lives.

And the SST in question was Allyson Brittany Moran from last September, who shortly after getting married brought a kid home and banged him in her newlywed bed. So just as a Public Service Message, stay away from Tiffany Eichler, because it’s been reported she has some form of the clap. I’m just here to save lives.

The Grades:
Looks: My advice to Tiffany is that she wear those oversized Jackie O. sunglasses as much as humanly possible. They do wonders for her.
Grade: C-

Moral Compass/Bad Judgment: Drama an negativity aside, there is just so much furious hustle in this woman you have to admire her. From January to early March she was in a no-huddle hurry up offense that did nothing but put points on the board. “Several” students. Backseat sex followed by basement sex. Pre-practice motivational office sex. Parent-teacher conference sex. Plus the all-important admission of guilt. All from a mother of four. That kind of effort is enough to make you forget all about the hush money and Chlamydia.
Grade: A

Intangibles: With a story like hers, if Tiffany had A looks, she’d be Hall of Fame material. She’ll just have to settle for being in Canton, Ohio.
Grade: B-

Overall: B-

Do you have someone you want to see graded? Tweet her to me @jerrythornton1 or email me at Your service to the betterment of mankind will be its own reward.

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