This Fake Homer Simpson Driver's License Surprisingly Fails to Fool the Police
I’ve never understood the logic of people who drive without a license thinking they won’t get caught. But I have even less comprehension for anyone that would drive without a license and still do something that gets them pulled over. I mean, if you’re going to commit crimes, the least you can do is not give the cops an excuse to stop you. Stay under the speed limit. Come to a complete stop at the stop sign. Keep your hands on the wheel at 10 and 2. Hell, the reason they caught Timothy McVeigh was his tail light was out, and eventually they got him for blowing up the federal building in OKC.
That said, if you’re going to drive without a license and do something to get caught, the least you can do is carry a goofy novelty ID. You’re going to get locked up anyway. The cops have on board computers so making up some lame excuse like you can’t find your license or left it in your other pants or whatever won’t do you a damned bit of good. So go big or go home. The least you can do as their slapping the cuffs on you and hauling you off to the Stony Lonesome to become a burden on society is give the cops a little chuckle with your wacky fake ID.
So good for the scofflaw who was carrying this. I think all illegal drivers owe it to the police do to the same. Pro tip though: If you’re going to do a Homer license, no half measures like that stupid address. Nobody who’s grown up in the English speaking world over the last 30 years doesn’t know the Simpsons live at 742 Evergreen Terrace. Clean that shit up. But otherwise, well done and best of luck never getting issued a driver’s license again.