Get Your Questions And Everything In For KFC Radio Next Week

On Monday KFC Radio is featuring “your” boy Smitty, but more importantly gets some Philly representation going with the other scumbag city.

Probable topics will include:

Why is your face so fat?

What did you do to get fired?

What’s it like being a depressed fan of the mega abortion that is Philadelphia sports?

Who did you blow to get rehired?

Seriously, why is your face so fat?

I have no shame and will answer almost anything truthfully to the point where there’s a solid chance I may get fired again after this puppy airs, so lets make this interesting. Want the best of the best to come out for this episode.

Call the hotline (remember to make it civilized: short, sweet and to the point or the exact opposite of a Jerry Thorton blog): 646-807-8665
Or Tweet someone at @KFCradio, @KFCbarstool, Puerto Rican Puff Daddy or @SmittyBarstool.

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