Which Trailer Do You Think Is Better Than The Movie It Belongs To?

Hey ladies and gents! It’s Friday, and usually I like to post some sort of open-ended question relating to movies, TV, or music to throw out to the Stoolies for responses, and today’s was inspired by the launch of an AWESOME new ‘Infinity War’ trailer* this morning. It got thinking about my favorite superhero movie trailers of all time, because this one definitely ranks, and two of them came to mind right away. This one, for ‘The Dark Knight’, which I must have watched a thousand times in the Summer of 2008…

…and then this one, for Zack Synder’s ‘Watchmen’, a movie I didn’t enjoy nearly as much as ‘The Dark Knight’ (my favorite film of all time beside ‘Empire Strikes Back’).

I think I liked ‘Watchmen’ as a movie more than most did, especially being a fan of the graphic novel and characters going into it, but I wound up liking the trailer even more than the feature-length cut when things were all said and done. When I think of that movie, this is the first thing I visualize (after Dr. Manhattan’s giant blue cock, that is). The visuals are both epic and beautiful, directly pulled from Dave Gibbons’ pages, The Smashing Pumpkins’ “The Beginning Is the End Is the Beginning” fits better cinematically than you could possibly dream up, and Rorschach’s chilling line of dialogue ends it on such a crisp note. So today’s question for all of you is this…

Which trailer do you think is better than the movie it belongs to?

Now, your answer will likely be for a movie that disappointed you tremendously by not living up to the expectations set by its trailer, but that doesn’t have to be the case! You could just really dig a trailer as much as I did for a movie I liked in ‘Watchmen’. Sound off on Twitter and let me know your picks.

*I really hope I’m not jinxing myself to like the ‘Infinity War’ trailer more than the movie. That’d suck.

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