Sometimes You Fall In Love On Spring Break

I have a wonderful, positive message to spread on this here Friday. A true representation of how far we’ve come as a society, as a people, as a global community, as an ever-evolving planet. Some people go to Spring Break to get drunk, sleep around, and drink beer out of a guy’s butt.


Others go after med school to blow off some steam before entering into the medical professional world, like this guy:


And others? Well, some of the lucky ones fall in love when they least expect it. You don’t go to Spring Break to fall in love, but that’s one of the only things you can’t control in this life. Sometimes love just falls at your feet, sweeps you up, and send you on a magical ride.

Just beautiful. A man and his tree. Love is love is love, and he loves that tree. He wants that tree to meet his folks. He wants that tree to come on the family vacation. Yeah maybe it’ll be weird at first because they just met and still haven’t even farted in front of each other yet, but they’ll get over their shyness and insecurities and develop a deep-rooted, beautiful relationship.

So whether you’re drinking beer out of a butt, a doctor, or in love with a tree, just remember, Spring Break is for everyone.

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