Buffalo Absolutely Destroys Arizona To End Tumultuous Season

Guys and gals we’re doing it. We’re doing the dream second round matchup that everyone wanted. We’re getting Buffalo vs Kentucky in Boise. That’s the one that everyone wanted, right? Because based on what we saw tonight, Buffalo was the No. 4 seed and Pac-12 champion with the best player in college basketball. Oh, wait. You’re telling me the team in the white jerseys with Arizona was supposed to win that game? Yikes.

This was an ass kicking by Buffalo. That’s the only way to put this. Buffalo relied on its starts like Wes Clark, who finished with 25 points and just made Arizona look silly on both sides of the ball. While Buffalo was on offense, they didn’t run anything complex, they just spread Arizona out. They pretty much ran a cross screen for both wings for a false motion then brought up a big for a high ball screen. The big typically popped while the other big dove to the rim. What that did was bring Ristic and Ayton out to guard these guys on pick and pops and have to make a decision on the ball screen. Hint: they made the wrong decision.

On the other side, Buffalo simply pushed the bigs out of the paint. They would double Ayton on the catch, forcing him to shoot jumpers. But, more importantly, Arizona couldn’t figure out how to swing the ball or find an open shot. It was shades of their stagnant offense against Xavier last year in the Sweet 16. Instead of getting a few sets for Ayton in the post, it was stand around and hope for the best.

What a performance by Buffalo though. We now sit and wait as Arizona is expected to lose Ayton, Trier and Alkins to declaring early. All five starters are expected to be gone whether it’s graduation or declaring early. We’re still waiting to hear if anything comes out from the FBI investigation or any reports. This just ends what always felt like an underwhelming season for Arizona. It also means the chatter will continue to get louder about Sean Miller and just how good he is as a head coach.

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