The Vikings Just Had A Top 5 Terrible Tweet Of All Time Welcoming Kirk Cousins To Minnesota

Oh boy. That is bad. It’s not just bad, it’s BAD. All capital letters. Top 5 terrible tweet of all time. You can’t bring that soft serve into NFL Twitter and not expect it to get swatted into the 10th row. Douche chills for days. Someone had to have the idea to do that, tell someone to do that, and get it okayed to put up onto the Internet. A massive failure in Groupthink not seen since the Challenger. Possibly worse. It is such a bad tweet Smitty G-chatted me to make sure I saw how bad of a tweet it was.

He is officially signed though. 3 years, 84 million fully, 100% guaranteed, and incentives for 6 more million. He played the system and he won, he won big time. I hope for his first move as a member of the Vikings he replaces whoever runs their social media account, or at least tells them to stop Tweeting akin to the Rick Reilly of the NFL social media accounts. Terrible start to the Kirk Cousins era in Minnesota, but not insurmountable.



PS: I just watched it again to crop the thumbnail for the blog, and I cannot believe someone gets paid to make that decision for an NFL’s social media account. They have 1.24 million followers. As a wise man once said, banana land. Banana land!

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