Is Having A Small Penis Bad? These Women Suggest That It Is!

Having someone send THAT text message about you would be disheartening, to say the least. In my day, people gave you a blow jobber and kept the size of your genitalia to themselves. In today’s society of oversharing, people share details about your privates publically. But, I have a spin zone for the young fella with the little dick.

If you’re reading this Micro Man (sorry, it’s what people are calling you), look on the bright side. Every fella wants to be deep throated. Hell, there are entire sections on porn internet websites that are devoted to such practices. The problem is that most oral sex givers cant give a good ole fashioned deep throat. You increase your odds DRASTICALLY of getting deep throated if your penis is smaller than a mule worm. In the end, the only thing that really matters is that your penis is completely swallowed up. Enjoy the moment of oral. Dont worry about the group texts that are sure to happen later. If you start worrying about it, odds are that you’ll become impotent. Yikes. Little Limp Dick. Whoa. Not good.

Additionally, males no longer have a reciprocal insult to the small penis talk. It’s not fair. In years past, males could say that their sexual partner had enormous labia majoras (outer lips) but having a “fat pussy” is all the rage now so there’s really no coming back from little dick insults.

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