How To Join Our Podcast Club

Join the Barstool Sports Podcast Club

Finding a blog to read or a video to watch is easy. You come here, scroll thumbnails, click something, and there it is. You can find the content you’re looking for with ease.

With podcasting, it’s harder to find exactly what you’re looking for. As a podcast consumer you have your routine of a few shows that you listen to on specific days, but when you want to hear something different it’s a lot harder to find quality content. What shows should you be listening to? What shows are the rest of the Barstool fans listening to? Should you start at the beginning? Did you miss something yesterday when you didn’t listen?

Up until now, I’d say we’ve done a decent job of keeping our podcast audience engaged. We post articles each morning when a podcast goes live, so the blog audience can stay informed. We tweet out teaser links so you can find out what guests are going to be on what show. Our hosts take pride in showing you what their podcasts are doing. Pretty standard stuff.

Well, with all of that in mind, we decided to start a Barstool Sports Podcast Club on Facebook. This will be a place for all of the listeners of the Barstool Podcasts to come to one place and find out everything they need to know about our “menu” of podcasts. Here is a quick snapshot of what we will be doing with this group:

1. Letting You Know What We Offer Each Day

We will be letting you know which podcasts will be dropping from the Barstool Sports network every single day. We will be cutting out that terrible podcast search engine process for you. Take a peek in the morning before your commute, in the afternoon while you’re walking to lunch, or right before you decide to take a shit. For example, if you want to catch a few minutes of Red Sox talk today, but you don’t follow Section 10 on Twitter or check the blog religiously, you will now know that Jared does an amazing Suzyn Waldman impression on the podcast during his “Down in the DM’s segment” today.

2. Creating a Forum for You to Give Feedback Direct to the Producers

Now, this will be significantly different than Reddit or the Comment Section (sorry guys) where you can post anything you want and call people snowflakes. That’s part of the reason you are prompted to answer a question to get approved to join the group. This is to make the content better and not vent about how you might hate someone. You can provide honest feedback (yes, criticism is definitely allowed) about each show, and we will even have a Podcast Of The Day for people to listen to and leave comments on what you liked, didn’t like, or what you want the producers and hosts to know. The producers will be checking this page every day, and relaying bits of information. This will only make the Podcasts better, if you want it to.

3. Promote Your Own Podcast

Yes, you heard that correctly. On Saturday and Sunday we will post submission requests and prompt you guys to share what you’ve been working on with other audio-hungry Barstool fans. I promise, I listen to just about everything, and this will be a cool way for everyone to explore the world of podcasting.

4. Let You Know about Major Guests

Pretty straight forward here, can’t miss guests/moments will be promoted here to make sure you, ya know, don’t miss anything.

5. Create a Discussion about Podcasts

The best thing about Barstool is the community that comes along with following the brand. We all know how lucky we are to have an audience as engaged and active as the Barstool audience. So, with that being said, you can post any questions you want to the entire Barstool fanbase, create your own threads and discussions within the group, and get feedback. Same thing as creating a Reddit thread, you can pose a question about one of the Barstool Podcasts and let people give their opinion on it.

6. Launch New Podcasts

There are things coming, people. Big things. Join the group and get to hear it first.

So that’s really it. We’ll be monitoring the group and letting people join all week long. Tomorrow, we will start by giving you a podcast of the day to listen to, provide you with the full menu of what we are offering, and let you know what we have going on.

Again, here is the link to join. It’s free, you already have Facebook, so… see you there.

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