Even The Fans Are Hockey Tough. LA Kings Fan Takes A Puck To The Face, Still Finishes His Shift Bloody As Hell

All I’m saying is that if a basketball fan ever got hit in the face with a ball, he or she would probably never return to another basketball game ever again. Heck, they may not even watch another game on television ever again. That would be a career-ending injury for a basketball fan. But for a hockey fan? That’s just another day in the life, baby.

Buddy probably stayed at the Staples Center until the end of the game. Even with his face all busted up to bits. Because that’s what hockey fans do. We have heart. We watch the game with grit. No one person is more important than the team. You take a puck to the face, you owe it to the rest of the squad to stay in the game and play through the pain. You have an entire offseason to nurse your injuries. It’s the middle of March right now. The playoff race is heating up right now. The Kings are currently in 3rd place in the Pacific. They only have 1 point on the Avalanche who are sitting in that 2nd wild card spot in the West. They’re essentially playing playoff hockey from now until the end of the season, whenever that may be. So if you’re gonna get hit in the face with a puck and not play through the pain, then you can just take your ass to a Lakers or Clippers game next time, guy. Glad to see this fan eat the pain, though. The man is a hockey fan through and through. Absolute nails.


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