As You'd Expect, Sunday Ratings Were WAYYYYYYYYY Up For The Valspar Thanks To Tiger Woods

A lotta numbers getting thrown around there. +28%. +73%. 27.2 million. 5.1. The bottomline is what were already knew: Tiger Woods is golf. He has been for two decades and will continue to be into the foreseeable future/until he hangs up the clubs for good. The man in the red shirt puts asses in the seats on Sundays. It was the perfect storm yesterday. A lonnnnnnnnng lead up (AKA a million start-and-stop comebacks thanks to scandals and injuries) to him finally being in contention again. He was playing. He was playing well. He was playing well enough to maybe even win. It was palpable. If you’re a person who hangs around on the internet, you could tell there was a buzz in the air yesterday afternoon. People who never watch golf were watching THE VALSPAR. Not the Masters. Not the US Open. Not The Players. THE VALSPAR. We can all talk about how great and likable the next generation is (both true) but nothing comes even CLOSE to what Tiger Woods brings to the table in terms of eyeballs. Like I said, we already knew that, but it’s nice to see it reflect in the numbers. GOAT.

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