A Little Monday Motivation: Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson Checks In With A Tweet About The Sun Expanding And Vaporizing Earth

You’ve gotta spread the gospel of sun expansion. Just have to. It’s mental liberation. All the stresses in your life? Gone. Why? Because one day, the sun is going to expand and turn the earth into a big ball of lava and then vaporize it into dust. Everything that you left behind as a legacy, everything that you built with your bare hands, everything that you worked so hard to achieve — there will once come a day when any evidence that any of those things ever happened will cease to exist. Poof! You have to remind yourself of that every day.

Oh, your girlfriend fucked a couple dudes on spring break? Doesn’t matter. Oh, you didn’t get accepted into your dream school and your parents think you’re a disappointment? Doesn’t matter. Oh, your dad invited you onto his national radio show and called you a ding dong brains? Doesn’t matter. Oh, the dickhead in the office who thinks he’s God’s gift to the world batted you eighth in the company’s co-ed softball lineup and put you in right field? Doesn’t matter. Oh, you negotiated two new shows and an extra day of work without getting compensated for any of it? Doesn’t matter.

The point of sun expansion awareness isn’t just to give up on life. You can, if you want. That’s cool. But sun expansion isn’t what’s going to kill you — it’s just going to erase literally everything you’ve left behind when you die. The point of sun expansion awareness is simply to be able to live a life that is stress free, because in the end, none of this matters. Live the life that you want to live, and when that life isn’t going the way that you want it to, just remember that the sun is going to expand and turn the planet of earth into one big volcano eruption that could not possibly sustain any form of life or preserve anything that the human race ever contributed to the universe.

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