Cousin Murray Left In The Middle Of The Radio Show Today And Took A 32-second Pee Break

Quite the national radio show today with the Cousins. First, Cousin Mike’s phone wouldn’t work (whatever that means). Called him, no answer, but he was responding to texts. He missed the first 5 minutes of the show, just wasn’t there. Later, we introduced a new topic about this out of control Chinese space station potentially crashing in Michigan and as Cousin Mike was giving his take, Cousin Murray says, “I have to go,” and leaves.

What is that? Who drops a live, on air, no context given, “I have to go”?

Well when you’ve got two 71-year-old cohosts it means somebody had to pee. Simple as that. Cousin Murray had to pee.

AND it gets better…

He pissed and returned in 32 seconds! 32! What!?

Has to be a record. I always assumed when esteemed, experienced gentlemen like the Cousins peed, they stood there teetering back and forth for a good 2 or 3 minutes while draining the lizard. But 32 seconds? From live on national radio to pissing and back in 32 seconds?

Amazing. The Cousins truly are amazing. Tune in to tomorrow’s show, 9AM, for which I’ll prepare a detailed outline that’ll inevitably have nothing to do with that we’ll talk about.

PS — This is a must-have shirt now.


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