Patrick Reed Wearing Red And Black Today Should Be More Illegal Than Murder

I’m sorry Patrick Reed, but you should be arrested. You can “honor Tiger” some other day, but not today! Not now! You don’t get to wear red and black when Tiger is leading on a Sunday for the first time since ‘Nam. That is his day, his look, his time. You let him, and him alone, wear the colors he made famous. It’s not about you, Patrick Reed. You owe your life to Tiger, so get your caboose into the clubhouse, put on green, and then you’re allowed to continue.

Also, Golf Channel, put a Tiger Box in the lower right hand corner. Should be non-stop Tiger coverage. Keep all eyes on him at all times. Ratings through the god damn stratosphere. People might flip channels when someone else it hitting or during a commercial for Jumanji, but not if there’s a Tiger Box. Seems like a no-brainer.

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