Grayson Allen Is Back Doing Grayson Allen Things

It’s March, which means Duke is playing, which means Grayson Allen is out there running around being a little shit yet again. I’m not even talking about the hip check. That’s pretty tame for Grayson in the grand spectrum of cheap shots he’s tried to get away with over the years. No, I’m MUCH more upset about how he answered this question.

What an idiot. I thought Duke was supposed to be a smart school? Private university and whatnot. This game is being played in Brooklyn, in the building Jay Z helped secure in order to move the Nets from New Jersey in the first place, and that crowd STILL booed. Because everyone on the planet knows the correct answer to this question a billion times out of ten is the date with Rihanna. And no, it’s not because you’re gonna get anywhere with Rihanna. She’s gonna ash her blunt on your forehead, never make eye contact with you, and put her discarded lobster shells down your pants if she so pleases. It’s because Jay Z is currently several hundred years old. Jay Z in 2018 parties are with the guys who control the stock market, which are probably also Grayson Allen’s parents. Those parties stink. At least a date with Rihanna you probably leave with a new scar and a story.

So a hearty boo to you, Grayson Allen. Boo indeed.

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