700 Doctors In Quebec Are Demanding Lower Salaries...Yes, Lower

Washington Post - In a move that can only be described as utterly Canadian, hundreds of doctors in Quebec are protesting their pay raises, saying they already make too much money.

As of Wednesday afternoon, more than 700 physicians, residents and medical students from the Canadian province had signed an online petition asking for their pay raises to be canceled. A group named Médecins Québécois Pour le Régime Public (MQRP), which represents Quebec doctors and advocates for public health, started the petition Feb. 25.

“We, Quebec doctors who believe in a strong public system, oppose the recent salary increases negotiated by our medical federations,” the petition reads in French.

The physicians group said it could not in good conscience accept pay raises when working conditions remained difficult for others in their profession — including nurses and clerks — and while patients “live with the lack of access to required services because of drastic cuts in recent years.”


Ohhhh fuck these goodie two shoes. Fuck them right in their moral, educated, peer reviewed faces. If there is one thing I’ve learned on this Earth, it’s that tall guys get girls easier than short guys. But if there are TWO things I’ve learned on this Earth, it’s that you never, and I mean NEVER, turn down extra money. Ever. I don’t care if the money someone is giving me came as a direct result of blood diamonds then shoved up a camel’s asshole who was then forced to swim the length of the Nile River…if someone is handing me $5,000, I’m taking the $5,000 and worrying about how I got it later. Or never, based on what sort of mood I’m in and what my current financial situation is (thanks, Bitcoin).

So for these doctors to be openly protesting for less money, they can shut the fuckkkkkk up. You’re a doctor! Take all the money people want to give you! What’s the point of going to school for 15 years if you aren’t going to be making fuck-you money until the cows come home? It’s like when Kerry Hutchens got breast reduction surgery, it’s like slapping God across the face.

You have my word, I will never turn down a pay raise “in good conscience”. If money comes into my Venmo, it’s mine. If I’m playing blackjack and the dealer misreads my cards and gives me money, I’m taking it. Money is king, and I think we should boycott those doctors for refusing to take it.

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