JR Smith Roller Skating Is Immediately Inducted Into The Team Swish Hall Of Fame

#SkateJustSkate never #Skated alone before till the other night. Clear mind. A lot like being in the gym by yourself. Dope feeling! Find your peace an try an live in it! #SkateJustSkate – Earl JR Smith, March 6, 2018

And there you have it, folks. Just like that, we witness history. Effective immediately, this picture of JR Smith gets inducted into the Team Swish Hall of Fame. Into the pantheon of JR Smith moments. Not even a week removed from the bowl of soup incident and we already have to kick that to the curb to discuss Earl getting straight SEXY at the roller rink by himself rocking a pair of four wheelers. Maybe Kevin Love should try out some #SkateJustSkate. Maybe if he #skated more his mental health issues would be more manageable. #SkateJustSkate.

One day I will own a mansion. And in this mansion, JR Smith will have his own wing. Like a section of Cooperstown dedicated to a player. And this wing will be adorned with all things Swish. Murals of JR shirtless at the parade for a week straight. Bottles of Hennessy. Dutchmasters. A metaphorical lead pipe. Perhaps I can track down the actual bowl that he threw at Damon Jones. “It belongs in a museum!” But this picture here? This roller derby masterpiece? I will save this art for the boudoir. Above my bed in the master suite this print will live. As I wake every morning, I rise from bed thinking “Swish.” Another day to skate through life.

Thank you JR. Thank you for being you.

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