This Video Of Mice Forming A Giant Mouse Centipede In China Is One Of The Most Terrifying Things I've Ever Seen

From the country that brought you the hit series Whoa That’s Weird comes something straight out of Steven King’s wet dream. Or is it wet nightmare? I feel like Steven King is much more likely to wake up with jizzy underpants after a nightmare than a dream. Okay, that’s a bad visual. Lets go back to talking about the video.

I don’t know what the Chinese guy was screaming in this video, but it better have been something along the line of “Burn this entire place to the ground right fucking now!” You cannot, I repeat CANNOT let those mice escape that restaurant. Because once they do, they will teach other mice their technique and then multiply because the only creatures on Earth that have sex more than our handsome friend Uncle Chaps are mice.

To be honest, I didn’t even know mice had the brain capacity to do something like this. But seeing it in action has given me a whole new perspective on the Pick 2 To Defend You hypothetical that literally every person at Barstool podcasted about at some point. If peabrain mice can form like Voltron, so can rats, right? Their brains have to be bigger and there is no member of the rodent family ready to get snout deep on some #AssEatinSZN human centipede shit more than a rodent. Can you imagine a horde of vicious infantry rats riding on your enemies while some special trained forces rats circled around them? I’m starting to think that the rats are the number 1 pick of that draft now.

By the way, if you ever eat at this restaurant after seeing this video, you are admitting to yourself that you are a trash person, right? I’d rather eat off of the floor of the subway, or even Barstool HQ, than eat off of the finest china at this restaurant.

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