The Sweet Crack Of The Bat

Oh my goodness that’s such a beautiful sound. It’s currently 1:18am. I went to the gym from 9-11 tonight (#NeverForget) and because of that, I’m wide awake. I’m scrolling through the gram, and just saw the Bryce home run for the first time today, and oh my goodness that sound is just music to my ears. Bach could only wish to compose something so lovely. It’s March 5th and I am very ready for baseball. I can’t believe there’s still another month til the season starts. Usually it takes me a hot minute to get into it, but I’ve really been fiending for it this year. I don’t know what it is, I think it’s an age thing. All I want to do is sit outside and watch baseball, eat pistachios, have a light beer and listen for that sweet crack of the bat. Soon, soon, soon, my friends. Soon, soon, soon.

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