Kid Travels More Than Anyone Has Ever Traveled In Basketball History And Hits A Buzzer Beater

Big time steal? Yes. Crazy shot? Yes. The most anyone has ever traveled in basketball without it being called? Also yes. The refs simply gave up. They got caught up in the moment and stopped being refs. That’s the only explanation for that. It’s like when a hail mary gets thrown up in football and pass interference starts happening all over the damn place. It’s not exactly like that because that was CLEARLY traveling. NBA players are wondering why that wasn’t called. I mean that kid went on a full road trip before getting the shot off. But hey, it went in. That’s all that matters. Winners win. I will say, if I’m the other team, I’m FURIOUS. Downright irate. That gym looks like a gym full of parents who probably challenged the ref to a fight. Lotta angry parents with a lotta 9-5 steam to blow off on a Saturday. I’d be shocked if that ref got outta there alive.

UPDATE: Alright here’s the alternate angle. It wasn’t as bad as I originally thought cause he gets a dribble in there but that’s still traveling

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