Texas Punter Michael Dickson Was Challenged To a Staring Contest By the Seahawks During His NFL Combine Interview

Seattle Times

INDIANAPOLIS — Seahawks general manager John Schneider said Friday the team is going to “get after it in every nook and cranny we can’’ to get back to being a playoff team after 2017’s stumble.

That apparently includes asking at least one player at the NFL Combine to fulfill an unusual request — participate in a staring contest.

Texas punter Michael Dickson revealed the staring contest during his official media session Friday when asked what was the strangest thing a team had asked him during one of his interviews.

“I mean I had to do a staring contest and I had to see how long I could stare without blinking,’’ Dickson said. “I had a couple of attempts. I tried a few techniques, looking away from the light, trying to block any sort of wind coming into the eyes. That was a weird process.”

 “The first time I did terrible,’’ Dickson said. “I only lasted for 14 seconds, but my third time I had figured out a technique to look around the room just to get your eyes a little watery, I guess.”
Without even reading the team associated with this there’s only one person in the NFL who would do this. Pete Carroll. Imagine sitting down thinking you’re about to get hammered with questions like “are you comfortable going from Texas to Seattle?” or “do you think you could punt in the rain no problem?” and then Pete Carroll sits down across the table from you and challenges you to a staring contest while he ‘s chomping on seven packs of gum.

Michael Dickson just won the Ray Guy award for the best punter in the country and Pete is more worried about how long he can go without blinking than his leg power. I’m sure the follow up question had to do with building seven and how there’s no way a plane hit the Pentagon.

I do love how Dickson tried a few different techniques. If you’re going to get roped into the circus you might as well have some fun with it.

“I had a couple of attempts. I tried a few techniques, looking away from the light, trying to block any sort of wind coming into the eyes. That was a weird process.”

Blocking any sort of wind seems like toeing the line of cheating in my mind. He’ll fit right in with Cheat Carroll.

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