Remember When I Said I Was Horrible At Handshakes Yesterday? Check This Out.

YIIIIIIKES! Bad look for ya boy. I’m definitely just gonna face this L head on and say…it’s not good. Especially ONE DAY after I wrote this…

I have full on panic attacks about how to go in for the handshake every time I meet someone I’m a fan of, which happens pretty often now. Do I go in for the standard business-like one? We dappin it up? Fist bump? Half hug? FULL hug?! Standard but then throw my other hand on the person’s elbow/bicep to assert dominance? How tight of a hand squeeze am I putting on? I got the heart racing just thinking about it.

You just hate to see it. HATE to see it. I’m not breaking that awkward twerp stigma any time soon, but hey, at least two stars more high profile than Schaub and I just fucked this shit up yesterday so the heat ain’t totally on us (me)…

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