Jim Kelly Announced That His Cancer Has Returned

On Thursday, Buffalo Bills Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly issued a statement. Read that and the Bills team statement here.

Statement from Jim Kelly:

As our family has faced many trials and triumphs throughout the years, you have blessed us with your prayers. We are asking for those prayers once again. The oral cancer we hoped would be gone forever has returned. Although I was shocked and deeply saddened to receive this news, I know that God is with me. I continuously talk about the four F’s. Faith, Family, Friends and Fans. With all of you by my side, we will fight and win this battle together. Staying “Kelly Tough” and trusting God, will carry us through the difficult time.

Statement from the Buffalo Bills:

We are deeply saddened to hear the news about Jim Kelly and his impending battle with cancer. Jim is a tough and courageous man and we know he will fight this battle with strength and determination. The Buffalo Bills will support the Kelly family during this trying time and we ask our fans to pray for the family as Jim begins the treatment process and the road to recovery.

via Bills.com

Shit man, that just really sucks. In this crazy world we live in these days, there are very few things that everyone can agree on. But one of those things is definitely Fuck Cancer. I don’t know anybody that hasn’t been touched by the disease in some way. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or someone in the public eye you like. And the real bitch about cancer is that even if you beat it, there is always a chance that your world can be turned upside down again with a relapse.

Obviously this is incredibly sad news for Kelly and his family. But if there was a guy that can conquer this monster, it’s the guy that led the team that circled the wagons like no other could. Super Bowl hangovers ain’t got shit on Buffalo winters and Kelly fought his fair share of both along the way. Dude has moxie for days as well as a gold jacket from Canton to show for it. And if there was a fan base on Earth that you would want rallying behind you in a fight for your life, that fan base would clearly be the good and crazy people of #BillsMafia. Grit of the Earth and salt of the Earth. So keep fighting Jim. We’ll be rooting for you every step of the way.

#PrayersForJK #KellyTough #FuckCancer

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