Three Heroes From Brazil Saved a Dog From Being Dragged Underwater By An Anaconda
The subject of wanting to be a hero has floated around this office over the past two days. Everyone wants to be a hero in hindsight but when the moment happens what will you do? When a helpless dog is being strangled to death and being pulled under water what will you run to help or run away? It’s easy to say you’d help, but have you seen the movie Anaconda??
Oops sorry not that one.
Yeah that one. Anacondas are some of the craziest reptiles/animals that live on this Earth. They are the biggest fucking snakes in the world and they are not one to be trifled with, just ask Owen Wilson. So when you are faced with a poor little dog being strangled by one of these monsters what do you think you’d do? I have my answer and it involves running as fast as humanly possible to the nearest plane back to the United States. Well, these three heroes decided to beat the shit out of this monster and saved the dog’s life just moments before it was going to be pulled underwater for it’s demise.
This is why you don’t live in Brazil. Imagine this being a daily occurrence of seeing an anaconda? I’d never be able to sleep again after such an encounter, not a chance. How do you continue to live in Brazil after witnessing this? This is why I’ll never travel to South America. Never. Not once. If my beautiful future wife (LOL) wants to do our honeymoon there? Not a chance honey, you go get eaten by a snake, I’m headed to Hawaii.