My Giant Brain Can’t Comprehend That the Big 10 Tournament Starts Today

Okay so I have been looking forward to the Big 10 tournament coming to MSG since I moved to New York. I didn’t quite understand why a predominately Midwestern conference was staging their tournament here, but whatever. I went to Michigan so it was cool  that I could see them play basically across the street. Anyway today I was openly wondering how the Big East Tournament and the Big 10 tournament were both being held at MSG. It made no sense to me. That’s when I googled it and found out the Big 10 tournament starts today. Wait what?

Yeah I know I should have known this. I know I’ve probably been told this. But it is so incomprehensible to me I can’t wrap my brain around it. I just can’t accept the fact the Big 10 tournament is going to be over before championship week even begins. That the Big 10 will have 2 full weeks off before the start of the real tournament. WHAT THE FUCK? How does the NCAA and college administrators manage to fuck up everything? What a fucking unmitigated disaster. Yeah I’m still going to go to the games, but this is RIDICULOUS. I mean having the tournament in NY was dumb enough to begin with, but having it a full week early? I can’t even put into words how idiotic this is. Like I know the tournament starts today and I still can’t believe it. It would be like suddenly moving Christmas to the middle of July. My entire biorhythms is now fucked up for the rest of March. Nice job Big 10 you idiots.

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