Horny Journalist Interviews The Prime Minister Of New Zealand About The Time She Had Some Sex

Kinda surprising that 60 Minutes let this interview air with this part still in there. I guess their editors decided that politicians… they’re just like us. When someone tells me that they are with child and the due date, I, like this ultra-horny journalist, immediately try to think of the time of year that they were fucking. So, uhhh… I’m totally not asking this because I’m horny,,, but tell me all about the time you guys did it.

“it’s interesting how many people are counting back to the conception..”

Oh. You’re having a late-Autumn baby… Wonder what yall did on Valentine’s Day. Probably a sultry little French restaurant with a French bubbly that you stumbled with the pronunciation. It was cute and quirky. She loved it. She never told her friends that you were a world traveler. She told them that you treated her well and with dignity. In fact, one of her things about you is your ability to listen to her about her day. You arent focused on your cell phone or anything like that. Your focus is on her. She’s reminded of that while you sip on your champagne. It was at that moment that she knew that she would take a long, deep sip of your dick later that evening. Talkin oral sex and more!

After the creampie, everyone was nervous. But, lust, once again, got the better of your judgment. Now you’re on a long car ride and listening to the first 6 or so episodes of the podfather show because she’s with child. The advice is great and told with such a different twist than usual. You finally have a podcast that you both love and soon the growing bump in her belly will be something that you love even more. She’ll be a great mother and leader for the people of New Zealand. Incredible

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