How Long Would You Kiss President Trump In The Lobby Of Trump Tower? One Hour? Two?

I dunno if any of this is true. What I do know is that two minutes is a long time to tongue kiss in the middle of a lobby. Two minutes isnt normally a long time unless you are cooking lunch in the microwave, kissin, tryin not to nut when you’re really horny and it’s been a while, waiting at a red light/crosswalk, pumping gas, or taking a long sip of water. You drink for two minutes straight and you were way too dehydrated.

“How long, Chaps? Give us an example for fuck sake, you ole moon-face, wet-bandit-lookin cuck.”

We’ll the intro to Da Drought 3 is 2 minutes and 20 seconds. Sure, the song is fire and feels too short. But two minutes, when you’re tongue is a waggin and a waving in a potential lover’s mouth,,, it’s just too long. (That’s what she said).

Now, you guys know me. I love to kiss. It’s my favorite! But, I try to keep kissin under 30 seconds if it’s not leading to sex. If you kiss longer than that, the erection becomes full. If you’re wearing slacks, you’re tenting the whole damn lobby. Not good for business. Not good for the loins.

(one of my favorite aspects about Trump’s tweets that doesn’t get talked about enough is that sometimes it takes forever between tweets. The man knows theatrics. 13 minutes is a cliffhanger and a half.)

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