Middle Aged Austrailian Broad Gets Drunk While Watching Braveheart, Proceeds To Grab Sword And Attack Her Neighbors In Rebellion

AUSSIE – Simone Nicole Bruce, 44, had been drinking wine and watching the Mel Gibson blockbuster at her Chevron Island home on May 28 when she decided to pull out a sword and practice her fighting skills in the street while chasing around her frightened neighbors. Barrister Chris Rosser explained that Bruce believed she was distantly related to a supporting character in the film, the future King of Scots, Robert the Bruce, and had been inspired by his brave rebellion against the corrupt English monarchy.

This is the kind of broad you want on your side. A Braveheart watching booze hound who will defend her driveway to the death and thinks she’s related to a 13th century nobleman just because they kind of share the last name. Type of gal who would bite the balls off of any Lord Of The Land on her wedding night after Prima Noctra has been declared. I honestly just love her because she’s watching this movie by herself and getting amped. So many women out there are so turned off by Braveheart not because they don’t like the movie but because all the men in their lives have already beaten William Wallace’s decapitated dick into the ground. If this woman wants to get lit up and go after her freedom, more power to her.

Plus you’re a bold faced liar if you tell me you’re drunk and have a sword in your house you wouldn’t grab it and look for a tyrant to slay. Goosebumps every time.

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