The Mets Brought Thumbs Down Guy To Queens For Todd Frazier's Introductory Press Conference LMFAOOOOO!!!!!!

EL OH ELLLL! Another brilliant move out of Jay Horwitz and the Mets PR team of fire starters. I don’t care if Thumbs Down Guy is a Mets Fan that went viral because he was booing the Yankees. He’s forever a Yankees meme that helped inspire those fucks all the way to Game 7 of the ALCS. And a dated meme at that. Do the Wilpons have a crying Michael Jordan standing behind the curtain too? Oh wait, I didn’t notice he is giving a Thumbs Up. He likes the signing! As funny as it is relevant. Here is my message to the Wilpons: Keep Fake Ass George RR Martin out of my face all season and keep all things Yankee related out of Citi Field and north of the Triborough Bridge (and don’t you dare call it the RFK either). Oh yeah and stop being cheap fucks every single time you have the chance.

I think I may have to take back everything nice I said about the Todd Frazier signing after seeing this stunt. I know I’m usually the optimistic Mets fan at Barstool, which admittedly doesn’t say a lot. But I cannot stand for this shit unless it is all a long con by the Mets. They introduce Todd Frazier, bring out Thumbs Down Guy, the sound of glass shattering fills the room, and Frank The Tank walks in, drops the most perfect Stone Cold Stunner you have ever seen on Thumbs Down Guy, and then throws a million middle fingers into an unconscious TDG’s face while screaming about how INCOMPETENT the Mets are. There were enough Mets fans feeling wishy washy at best about the Frazier signing and nonsense like this sure as shit ain’t gonna help matters.

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