Love at First Sight: Couple Meets During a Threesome Then Both Decide To Quit Their Jobs And Make Sextapes Together Around the Globe


A couple who met during a threesome are now traveling the world after making a fortune selling sex videos at £3.50 a time. Kim, 23, and Paulo, 28, fell in love after taking part in a threesome at a party. Kim said that their exhibitionist natures propelled them to film their sexual encounters from the beginning and one night they decided to publish it online. They wanted to break into the porn industry but initially did not know how. But once they shared their videos online the couple decided that they could live their dream life – traveling the world together and getting paid to have sex. They’ve now given up their jobs in an IT firm to make porn videos full time – and travel the world on the money they make. The couple first met when a female colleague invited them out for an afternoon, which ended up in the three of them in bed together. Kim said that she finds it refreshing that instead of selfies from their travels, they have porn videos to remember their favorite moments together with.

Sooooooooo how’d you and Paulo meet? Oh it’s really nothing really I was going down on my friend and he was taking me from behind and then I turned around and we locked eyes and it was true love ever since! Just your classic love story huh?

What a fucking life that is. Both of them worked in IT and hated their lives so they met at a party, had a threesome, and then just decided to pack up their lives and have sex on camera with themselves for just under $5 a video, as they travel the world. Business must be booming because they’ve visited all of the Canary Islands, France, Poland, Romania, Greece and Montenegro and they are currently in Argentina all off their earnings.

Kim said that she finds it refreshing that instead of selfies from their travels, they have porn videos to remember their favorite moments together with.

What a line what a life, especially when the girl looks like this. God bless ya Paulo, looks like your weekend will be more fun than mine.

Jesus Christ

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