I Almost Legally Changed My Name To 'Sue Perbole' Last Year

I know I’ve told this story before, maybe on radio, maybe on a podcast, I don’t recall exactly where, but I think it’s worth telling again in honor of Super Bowl week. Looking back at it, I have no idea what I was thinking.

This time last year, I was an intern here at Barstool. You all know the tale of me applying for years, about Big Cat turning me down at 14 years old because I was 14 years old, about my relentless sending of bad shirt designs to Dave, so you probably see how getting a foot in the door as an intern was huge for me. This is a dream job for anyone. While I was interning, I was also attending my first semester of community college (which I hated) as well as working a graphic design job I wanted out of, so getting hired full time by Barstool was my one and only priority. I wanted to be able to have the time to put all of my focus and energy into content creation for this company with no distractions, and was desperate to attain that. Because of this, I made a promise to myself that there was nothing I’d say “No” to, and I was very serious about holding myself to that. People around the office started to catch on to my willingness to do anything that needed to be done, and somehow my reputation for that got back to the boss, Dave Portnoy, who gave me the strangest request I’d ever received.

After we were done shooting a commercial for The Rundown on Comedy Central where I played a horse, Dave turned to me and said, “Hey Robbie, would you be willing to legally change your name for us?” Obviously my answer was yes, and my next question was “What am I changing it to?”

He informed me that they really weren’t supposed to say “Super Bowl” on the show, but if there was an intern on sight who’s legal name was ‘Super Bowl’, they could probably get away with it. I agreed, printed out paperwork the second we got back to the office, and started filling it out with the help of Office Manager Brett. We realized it’d probably be hard to get away with ‘Super Bowl’ due to obvious trademark/legal issues, so Frankie Borrelli and I came up with ‘Sue Perbole’ and got to work. I went home and sat my mother down, informing her that I was legally changing the name she gave to me for the minimum 90 days (I planned on changing it back afterwards, no chance I’m giving up ‘Robbie Fox’, are you fucking kidding me?) and that didn’t go over too well, but I assured her it was for the betterment of the company that I’d soon become paid by.

Long story short, when it came down to it, we wouldn’t be able to expedite the paperwork done in time for me to get an ID with the new name, so the idea was scrapped at the very last minute, but I was mere hours away from taking the first stack of forms to my county’s courthouse and changing my name to ‘Sue Perbole’. God that woulda been dumb.

…mighta been an easier sacrifice than not cumming for 19 days tho.

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