Dennis Hof, Owner Of The Bunny Ranch, Bans Donald Sterling For Life Because Whore Houses Are Totally Not Cool With Racists



Donald Sterling is not only banned for life from the Los Angeles Clippers and the NBA, a Nevada brothel owner also wants nothing to do with him. Dennis Hof has banned Sterling for life from ever entering the doors of the Bunny Ranch near Carson City, Nevada, and any of his six other brothels in the state. “A lot of NBA players come here to party,” Hof told The Huffington Post. “Out of respect to them, we have banned Sterling from coming here.” Hof says his sense of confidentiality prohibits him from confirming or denying if Sterling has ever visited his brothels. “I can tell you this: Johnny Buss, one of the owners of the Los Angeles Lakers, and I have had a dual birthday party at the Bunny Ranch for the last 18 years, so a lot of NBA people have been here,” he said.

Hof’s stand against Sterling isn’t only in support of the basketball players who’ve had to deal with the billionaire’s alleged racism over the years. “At any given time, 20 to 23 percent of the prostitutes here are African-American,” Hof said. “And they’re smoking hot. Some of them were crying this morning so we’re doing this for them as well. We don’t need racists or bigots at the Bunny Ranch.”

Sterling isn’t the first high-profile person forbidden to partake in Hof’s garden of earthly delights. “We banned the ‘Duck Dynasty’ guys. Those guys are the biggest homophobic assholes and they make their living killing animals,” Hof said. “We’ve also banned Michael Vick. We don’t want him here. I couldn’t guarantee his safety from the girls. They love animals.”




Ohhhh Fuck. Now Donald Sterling is really fucking screwed. NBA lifetime ban kind of sucked but this, this is some serious shit. The billionaire can’t get his dick wet at a whore house, what the hell will he ever do.



The real takeaway from this is Dennis Hof though. Who the fuck does that guy think he is? Just banning people willy nilly like he’s Malcom X or some Civil Rights leader? Bro, you run a fucking whore house. I don’t like racists or homophobes either but I also don’t give a shit what a Pimp has to say on any of these matters. You own a house that is full of prostitutes, the only color that should matter to you is green, stay in your lane and stop pretending to be some dignified leader. Like do you think anyone actually cares? Adidas and Toyota stopped advertising with the Clippers but the Bunny Ranch is what really gets them. You think that was ever said? Wake up and make sure the prostitutes are clean.




Love this line.

“And they’re smoking hot. Some of them were crying this morning so we’re doing this for them as well”.


Oh my god, not crying prostitutes! What ever will we do. 



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If you didn’t sneaky loving Airforce Amy on HBO then you didn’t grow up properly. So dirty, so crazy.



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