Jimmy Kimmel Makes Spoof Of Kanye Interview, Kanye Responds By Going Certified HAM On Twitter

Kayne wasn’t too happy about the sketch, so Kanye does what Kanye does best: Act rationally and calls Jimmy Kimmel in private to voice his displeasure. Oh, wait, he went beastmode hiding behind a computer? Yeah that makes more sense.

1st reaction: Hey Mr. Kardashian, shut the fuck up.

2nd reaction: I would give some good odds a video comes out next week where Jimmy Kimmel and Kayne are both jerking each other off writing these tweets together. That twerking fire video put me on edge. Because you know the saying, James. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…you can’t get fooled again.

PS – Can’t wait to read the 4 separate blogs of Mo defending Kayne’s behavior tomorrow.


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