14-Year-Old Star Of 'IT' Smokes Some Pot, Issues Bizarre Apology About It

I don’t even know where to start on this whole thing. I mean, I guess I don’t have a ton to say about it, but KFC sent me this and we were both taken aback by how strange all of it is. First off, I guess I can say that I really couldn’t give a shit less that Jack Dylan Grazer smoked weed. He’s 14 years old, sure, but he’s movie star and I’d be surprised if he WASN’T dabbling in some cannabis, so let’s cut him some slack. It’s kinda funny to see the hypochondriac child from ‘IT’ pulling from a cannon of a blunt, but that’s neither here nor there. I really just want to talk about his jump-cut 12-take held-at-gunpoint apology video. Dafuq was that? Tarantino direct that? It’s almost like he tried to do an apology on Vine or Snapchat or something like that, or he kept forgetting the script his mom wrote for him. Maybe he’s so shaken up about the peer pressure that he couldn’t make it through any of the D.A.R.E. slogans without crying? That’s the only explanation, otherwise I don’t see how he (or his mom) could watch this ADHD-ass video and think it’s a proper apology to put out. I don’t think he should’ve had to put the video out in the first place, either, obviously, as he probably turned to drugs to forget about the scary fucking clown he had to work with a few months ago.

Regardless, strange move to post the video he did. Thankfully Logan Paul issued a much worse one not too long ago, so this’ll blow over quickly.

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