The Office Theme Song Is Too Damn Loud On Netflix And It's Making Me Fussy

For years now, I’ve watched The Office as I fall asleep. I’ve probably seen the series like 40 to 50 times all the way through at this point. I love it! It’s my main source of pop culture references and probably will be for the remainder of my natural life. It’s just so simple to throw on Netflix, tuck my adorable little melon into my pillow all snug as a bug in a rug, and whisk away to a world of dreams and whimsy. I usually fall asleep in about 13 minutes. 9 minutes later, I hear it again.

Which is fine. The music is fine. It’s the volume. Netflix has the volume on The Office’s theme song about 8 notches higher than the rest of the show. Frustrating! Well, to be fair, I’m not sure who the mixing of the show really falls on. It’s either NBC or Netflix and I don’t mind putting both of their feet to the fire because something must be done. I’ll be grinning thinking about the gay witch hunt as I close my eyes for the final time of the day. It’s a wonderful scene that never fails to make me laugh.

When the scene is over, I’ll be on the Highway REM and ready to take a deep dive into sleepy town. But then it hits me again.

Son of a bitch. We’re awake again. Time to start a new episode. As you know, I love musicals. Maybe I’ll go to a later show and watch an underrated classic. The Sweeny Todd episode.

SWING YOUR RAZOR HIGH! Ah, a musical sleep. Incredible. This is going to be wonderful, right? I love sleeping to a soundtrack. Now with Sweeny Todd deep inside my skull, I can dream to tunes like Pirelli’s Miracle Elixir. I love that song too. What a musical. Right when I get to that point….

Something must be done. Simple as that. This cycle must be broken. It’s out of my hands. Netflix must fix this shit.

Post Note: just because I used Sweeny Todd as an example doesnt mean that I condone, accept, or tolerate people murdering humans and putting their flesh into meat pies with classical English baking techniques. At no point, at no point, should you bake humans after cutting their throats open whilst they are getting a haircut.

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