The Big Baller Brand Has An F Rating On The Better Business Bureau And Allegedly Called A Customer A "Small Baller" After They Complained


TMZ- The BBB is warning consumers about BBB — the Better Business Bureau tells TMZ Sports the Big Baller Brand is a disaster … and has earned the lowest possible rating, an F. Ever since LaVar Ball launched the apparel company, the BBB has been inundated with complaints from customers who either didn’t get their orders … or got the wrong items. If you’re into keeping stats — how’s this: Big Baller has 41 negative reviews and ZERO positive … with 33 formal complaints on file.

FYI, the Better Business Bureau is a 105-year-old non-profit organization that monitors businesses across the country to help protect consumers. The BBB reached out to Big Baller Brand twice to help resolve their issues — but no one at Big Baller ever called them back.

via BBB (the other one)

Is anybody on the planet surprised by this? Of course the Big Baller Brand has an F rating on the Better Business Bureau. LaVar and his family stormed onto the national scene, became the Kardashians of the sports world, and in the process took over the BBB title from the Better Business Bureau. I’m not shocked in the least that the Better Business Bureau would give the real BBB an F rating and allow a bunch of people to slander the Ball family’s business with a bunch of 1-star reviews.

In fact, the only part o this that I believe is that someone who complained got called a small baller. That seems exactly like something LaVar would do. Probably because he is the customer service rep. Gelo makes the shoes, Melo does social media, and Big Var handles the emails and phone calls. I bet there are plenty of Big Ballers walking around extremely happy with their ZO2s and Melo 1s, but they are too busy doing Big Baller things to worry about logging onto a computer to leave a bad review like a small baller*.

*I know all of these reviews are real not only because I have a functional brain but because I saw the ZO2s that were sent to the office months after they were purchased (one pair like 3 sizes too big by the way) and they are utter TRASH. If that’s how the customers who spent more than a G on a couple of pairs of sneakers are treated, F is probably too high of a rating for the Big Baller Brand. But damn it’s funny when someone gets called a small baller. Yeah stealing their money and shit is scummy as hell. But that insult plays for days.

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