Somebody Needs To Take Out These Clowns Who Just Chill On The Streets, For The Good Of Humanity

ENGLAND – Police are trying to track two men dressed as clowns who have been spotted acting suspiciously in Northampton. A woman who lives in Milton Street, Kingsley, called the police on Thursday after two clowns knocked on her door and offered to paint her window sills. The woman became suspicious of the pair as they had no painting equipment with them. A number of sightings of people dressed as clowns have also been reported across Northampton in recent weeks.

Fuck the police. There needs to be one of those old school town mob uprisings with pitchforks and torches. Something on the level of when Frankenstein was hunted down or an average Tuesday night in the Jim Crow South. Pennywise here is the biggest threat to the those English kids since the Black Death tore through town. There’s no way you don’t touch and murder innocent children if you go up to random houses in full circus gear asking to paint windowsills without any painting equipment. Sandusky even thinks these dudes are extreme.

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