What The Fuck Is Up With My Sausage And Pepperoni Pizza?

Yesterday I went to this place near our office called “&pizza” for a late lunch. I think their pizza stinks but I had to grab something quick, so I did with that what I could. I walk in, I see Riggs ordering his pizza, which was a sausage and pepperoni pizza, and said “Oh shit! That’s a great idea! Distract yourself from the shitty blandness of the plain pie with some toppings.” and I do the same.

“Sausage and pepperoni, please.” I asked, politely.
“I gotchu fam.” the cool NYC teenager behind the counter said.

Riggs’ pizza came out and it looked great. Sausage and pepperoni all over that bitch. My pizza came out TWO SECONDS LATER and looked like the above picture. Riggs and I musta done a triple take at the pizza and at each other. What the fuck is that? They givin’ me one sausage and one pepperoni per slice? Stacked on top of one another? I said “sausage AND pepperoni”. I did not request my sausage be IN my pepperoni. Who makes that pizza and thinks it’s what anyone wants? One of those slices doesn’t even have the one sausage and one pepperoni allocated previously! This one!

C’mon man. Toppings stacked like I’m tryna eat cheese and crackers. I’m not. I’m tryna eat some pizza. Just be better.

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