Canadian Guy Fired From His Job For Wearing Jeans To Work And "Shaming Canada" With His Appearances On CNN



TORONTO –  A Canadian flight simulator business fired an instructor who figured prominently in CNN’s coverage of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, saying he showed up late to his regular job and “shamed Canadians” by dressing like a teenager. Fly company owner Claudio Teixeira said he fired Mitchell Casado on Wednesday in part for refusing to dress professionally and making Canadians “look very bad all over the world.”

Casado’s relaxed style of jeans and plaid shirts attracted wide attention during CNN’s constant coverage of the search for the missing flight. CNN’s Martin Savidge and Casado logged many hours reporting from the fake cockpit located at the company’s office in near the Toronto airport, which has a simulator that is the same model of the lost plane. Teixeira said Casado didn’t come to work Tuesday when customers had the simulator booked. “This is not the first time. He’s been warned before,” he told The Associated Press. Teixeira says he received many email complaints about the instructor’s way of dressing during the time he appeared on CNN.

“Even though I let him be on TV he shamed us Canadians and shamed my company with the way he was dressing like he was 15 years old,” he said. “People were complaining that it wasn’t professional at all … If you go to any plane you don’t see them in shorts and sandals.” Casado declined to comment when reached by AP, saying “I’m not interested in talking to you.” In a tweet earlier, Casado wrote “My boss had me training a new guy the last few days, and now that he can do my job, and CNN left, he fired me. That’s Ufly.” CNN spokeswoman Bridget Leininger noted Casado is an employee of uFLY, not CNN. She said CNN will not broadcast from the simulator on Thursday but may do so in the future.



You know I was all ready to defend this guy because dress standards at work are total bullshit. I’m not saying people should dress like shit, but the fact that people still have to wear suit and ties is a joke. Business casual is the only way to go, slacks and a nice shirt monday through thursday, jeans on Friday. I see all these guys walking around the Loop with their suit and ties and I just feel awful for them. You know they hate it too, that if they could come to some general consensus basically the entire business world would stop wearing a suit tomorrow. But there will always be some old school asshole boss that demands it and hence everyone will be wearing suits for the rest of time.


Now with all of that said, and my thoughts on dress standards officially out there, I have to say I have ZERO sympathy for this guy. He looks like absolute dog shit. There is wearing jeans and a button down and then there is this, looking like you’re going out to get your morning coffee or walk your dog. It’s CNN dude, national audience. You could bare minimum button up your flannel so we don’t have to look at your gross undershirt. It’s not that hard to go from looking like a total shithead to semi-presentable. And this is all coming from a man who wears sweatpants 99.9% of his life now. If anyone would have your back Mitchell it would be me. And that’s when you know you look like shit, when a blogger who doesn’t shower, routinely forgets to brush his teeth, and spends his workdays in a sweatsuit thinks your outfit is appalling. Big time reality check dude.  I hate to do it but I am 100% on your boss’s side here, you awful, straight up.





I don’t know about the whole “Shaming Canada” thing. Like one guy’s shitty clothes isn’t going to really change all the stereotypes I have of Canada BUT owning pet rabbits and taking a picture with them most certainly will.


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