Raise A Pint To This Guiness Commercial

Bro’s being Bros. Wheelchair basketball is the certified tits to watch and I would definitely help a buddy out if he wanted to do something like this, but I’ve extensively gone into my thoughts on wheelchair basketball on here before and isn’t it almost an advantage to be handicapped for the game? Not feeling or having any legs means crash city with your steel beasts at full speed without worrying about any pain or injury. If you’re not Lieutenant Dan out there that shit has gotta hurt the shins.

How about the jackass touching to backboard on the way out with his buddy wheeling behind him? Keep your pants on with the able bodied shit till the coast is clear.

From the wheelchair thesis I already wrote, but well worth repeating:

Order of Types of Basketball I Would Watch:

College Men’s
Street Ball (And 1, Globetrotters)
High School
Two Guys Playing Horse
Two Horses Fucking With a Basketball In The Background

Seriously though, really?

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