Heartwarming Story of the Day: Father Surprises His Two Kids at the Kings Game After Serving in Afghanistan for 9 Months

Seems like everyday we hear shitty story after shitty story in the world, so it’s refreshing to see stuff like this. Sgt. Shawn Sullivan had been serving 11 months overseas for the U.S. Army, nine of those in Afghanistan and surprised the hell out of his two kids at the Kings game last night. These videos NEVER get old. The one good thing ESPN still does is the day they do the montages of all these kind of videos and you’re forced to tear up. Instant water works. I cannot imagine being these two kids, being away from your dad for that long at that young age and just like that he’s back, in front of all those people. I think I’d faint. Parlay that with Skylar Grey belting “I’m Coming Home” in the background and I’ve got chills on top of chills. Impossible to think of a better gift than a father returning home from the Army for the holidays.

Thank you for your service Sgt. Sullivan, welcome home.

I’ll always think about Notre Dame guard Matt Farrell getting surprised by his brother when I see these kind of videos. Just awesome, awesome stuff.

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