Smitty Auditions For The Philadelphia 76ers Flight Squad Dunk Team

Barstool Philly Classic via almost 3 years to the day in 2013.

Some birds aren’t meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. That’s why becoming a member of the 76ers Flight Squad was an absolute no brainier. How’d it turn out? Judge for yourself:

3+? I have no idea what that means, but I guess if he’s throwing down like that in jeans he can invent his own numerical/alphabetical grading system. Also, standing in line and trying to fit in with some rhythm was the closest anybody has ever come to Forrest Gump in church. Overall, a valiant effort, but in the end, a dagger to the heart (click to enlarge):

Thanks to the entire Sixers organization, and the Flight Squad for everything.

Also thanks to our Philly camera guy John for his fine work yet again.

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