Montana High School Woman's Basketball Team Someway, Somehow Gets Shut Out, 102-0

MONTANA – Lopsided wins aren’t that unusual at any level of basketball, but pitching a shutout is virtually unheard of. A Montana high school girls’ basketball team suffered that fate last weekend, though, in a demoralizing 102-0 loss. 102-0. Not a typo. Brockton High started and finished the game with a goose egg, in part because coach Terrence Johnson had just five available players in what is typically a nine- or 10-player roster. Against an experienced Froid-Medicine Lake team, Brockton stood no chance and couldn’t even manage to get the ball in the basket, falling behind 59-0 in the first half. A running clock was implemented, mercifully, in the second half. “My girls did everything possible to score, and we were trying to find a way to get a crooked number up there,” Johnson told the Great Falls Tribune. The shutout is the first in the state of Montana’s history, and only the 20th time it has happened at any level of basketball since 1907

102-0. It would be impressive if it wasn’t so sad. Yo, Coach Johnson, I’m no Varsity High School Woman’s Basketball extraordinaire, but the last time I checked, I am human. So maybe, just maybe, after it’s 59-0(!!!) at the half you do the right thing and throw the damn towel. Pull a Coach Taylor during his debut at East Dillon and save what’s left of these poor girls’ souls. But that’s besides the point. How in the name of Zeus’s BUTTHOLE, does a team get shut out 102-0 in four quarters of basketball? Were they playing without limbs? Or, even somehow less constructive, were they just trying to run the famous, patented Lady Dunk every play?

Not to mention the Sadist that’s standing in front of Froid-Medicine’s bench. Maybe he could tell his girls to hold the ball to drain time or straight up take a nap on the court to show mercy. I get it. Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing. ESPECIALLY for a grown man putting in full-time hours to be the head coach at the JV to Varsity high school woman’s basketball level. But maybe take the foot off the gas, man. The point was proven at tip off. Anything after that is beating up on the dead Hamburglar.

But at least woman’s high school athletics continues to survive, nay, prosper in the state of Montana. Wan’t exactly the best look after that Montana State Championship(!!!) game ended on a walk off, inside the park…strike out. How any team got an out all season is one of mankind’s greatest mysteries.

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