Please Compare The Tapes Of Dez Bryant Vs. Bradley Fletcher Against Dez Vs. Darby/Mills And Proceed To CUM EVERYWHERE

There’s Dez Bryant manhandling Bradley Fletcher and life in 2014 during a pivotal, division deciding late December game (which Mark Sanchez was under center – Holy Schnikees). If you recall the Eagles started 7-2 that season under Chip Kelly. Then 9-3. And proceeded to miss the playoffs under a stretch 1-3 shit that featured losses at home vs. Seattle and Dallas. Actually bad. And that last “Highlight” was flat out flabberghasting. Look at this coverage:

Dez already toasted for 3 TD’s at that point. Maybe, just fucking MAYBE you should know exactly where he is at all times, not just his zip code. That’s still infuriating.

But in the end, Bradley Fletcher was a broken piece of toast. And he knew it, too.

Now, fast forward to two weeks ago when the Eagles once again faced off against the Cowboys and their human monstrosity, Dez Bryant. Ronald Darby was coming off a dislocated ankle injury and only played 17 snaps all year. Jalen Mills was playing spectacular up to that point, but nobody would blame the Green Goblin if he got dusted by one of the most physically imposing WR’s in the game. They couldn’t possibly contain this beast from the NFC East, right? RIGHT?

Unreal gameplay. The Eagles collectively contained Dez to 8 catches for 63 yards with virtually no YAC attack. But not only that, they MANNED UP. Dez Bryant usually sheds off minions trying to tackle him one-on-one like he’s a sauced up Thoroughbred in NFL Blitz. Darby, Mills, and others square up, wrap, drive their damn feet and do what they’ve been doing all season on defense. Hell, Dez even tried to stiff arm them off and got dragged down by said arm.

I realize these comparisons are a few weeks/years off, but it needs to be brought to light just how good these guys are playing right now compared to the past and, well, ever. They defense has only allowed one offensive TD in all of November. The offense looks borderline unstoppable. Their point differential is an NFL leading +160 (351 points scored vs. 191 points against). We’ve got ourselves a damn good football team in the City Of Brotherly Love.

Every other year we’ve, come close, but this is our year, baby. This is our year.

h/t Joey Powers

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