Drone Captures Vicious Shark Non-Attack In Miami

This is a cool ass video but I would be remiss not to mention that this isn’t exactly great #ForTheBrand. Giant ass Elasmobranch just going about his business without severing ANY arteries of the oblivious stupid swimmers floating around! Gorgeous crystal clear Caribbean water, DJI drone props effortlessly rotating at 7,000 RPM, and an Apex Predator honed into carnivorous perfection by 400 million years of evolution using all 8 sensory organ systems to peruse the shallow surf for sustenance. The scene was set. No one would have been too confused if this ended in 1.5 gallons of merlot colored liquid being added to the Earth’s vast ocean system, captured in beautiful 4K.

I used to fly drones for money (definitely not enough to call it a living) and the idea of catching go-time on camera from this angle makes it move! Imagine how sick that footage would be (for those not eaten or their families). We’re in the content business folks and you know what always moves the needle? Giant animal on human violence. The type of shit that you’d see on LiveLeak in Middle School and would melt your brain because you didn’t know ruthlessness like that existed in the world. I’m talking that 3 guys 1 hammer video that you would find on Ebaumsworld or early Youtube.

(Grainy quality but mid-2000s Ukrainian murder videos aren’t exactly widely dispersed on Youtube. The story of these guys is INSANE though if you’re interested)

Anyways, as tough as this seems to have such a prime opportunity to assert ocean dominance completely missed, maybe its actually better for Shark PR that it went down like this. These people are scared SHITLESS and will probably not take a bath the rest of their lives. How much more mileage could Team Shark have gotten out of it? Sometimes a 97MPH brush back off the plate might get in a guys head more than actually getting drilled. Its the thought of what could have been. Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies, farewell and adieu you ladies of Spain!

(SO close!)

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