The Leon Lett Thanksgiving Blunder (With Some Incredible Nostalgia Highlights) Takes Us Into Thanksgiving Weekend

I’ll admit I forgot just how awesome that video was. Just seeing the name Pete Stoyanovich and those Starter jackets almost make it a Must Watch on nostalgia alone. Forget an all-time call of “It’s Leon Lett! NOOOOOOOO!” and that it was the Buttfumble before the Buttfumble was the Buttfumble. This video is chocked full of classic shots.

We have Jerruh celebrating his burgeoning dynasty while rocking a mink

Don Shula wearing some Sam Rothstein shades during a snowy football game

Brian Cox dancing with the infamous neck roll

And Leon Lett looking like anyone would after fucking up epically during both the Super Bowl and the Cowboys Thanksgiving game that were less than 10 months apart from each other. More than a few eyeballs saw those plays happen

What a classic video even outside of Leon’s 2nd biggest gaffe of his career. Hopefully we have more Cowboys misery tomorrow and maybe even Melvin Gordon jumping into the Salvation Army kettle to troll Zeke wherever he is in the world to “get his mind right”.

Have a great Thanksgiving everybody!!!

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