How Bout This Delivery Guy Pissing All Over My Friend's Doorstep?

I’m scrolling through Facebook this morning, and I see that one of my really close friends was on the news last night. I used to co-host a wrestling show with him called RBR: Weekly Wrestling Talk before I got hired here. Anyway, I figured it was for some filler story; maybe he got interviewed, maybe he was behind an anchor’s shot, the standard “I was on the news!” post. Turns out, he was on the news because his Amazon delivery guy took a big ol’ piss alllllll over his doorstep. Pissdawgz plus shipping and handling. To this, I ask…dafuq? I guess you gotta go when you gotta go, but right on my pal’s door? On Thanksgiving Eve Eve, no less? Can’t you just keep a trusty Gatorade bottle in your passenger seat? Fucked up, man.

Over everything, this makes me want to get a doorbell camera for my apartment. It’s like Toy Story out there! They think nobody’s watching so they cause a brouhaha before dropping off your toaster.

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