Bro Doing A Belly Flop At Deuces And The Diamond On Cubs Opening Day


First of all, I’m giving that flop an 8. Which is actually a really high score for a skinny guy with Chinese Tats on his back. If you want a 10 belly flop you have to be fat. Those are just the rules.



Second, and more importantly, is there any bar that is more out of place than Deuces and The Diamond? Not saying I hate the place, the patio is actually a great spot on a nice day but it’s so bizarre that someone basically put a Vegas nightclub in the middle of Wrigleyville. Fountains, and water features and escalators. And this is what you get, you get belly flops and people fucking with your reflective pool because ultimately people don’t go to Wrigleyville to see fancy shit and be at some upscale club, they go to Wrigleyville to get scummy, hit a few balls at Sluggers, make some bad decisions and end up in a gutter at 3 AM. No need to outclass the joint, just be yourself, and Clark between Addison and Roscoe is not a nightclub spot.



h/t kevin

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