My Good Friend Harrison Ford Was On The Scene To Rescue A Woman From A Car Crash

Independent- A woman who ran her car off the highway came in for a strange surprise – when a cinematic hero came to her rescue. 

The Hollywood Reporter confirms, via the Santa Paula fire department, that Harrison Ford rushed to the scene of a crash late on Sunday morning in Santa Paula, where a woman who was driving on California State Route 126 lost control of her vehicle and crashed into an embankment off the freeway.

The actor, who had been at the airport earlier and was getting on the freeway, was one of several bystanders who pulled over and rushed to the woman’s aide, succeeding in rescuing the woman from the car wreck while paramedics arrived. 

Ford himself is no stranger to dangerous scrapes, having famously been involved in several incidents with his plane. Most recently, he mistakenly landed his private plane on a taxiway at an airport, after a near-miss with an airliner carrying 116 people

Good old Harry Ford, man of the people and friend of the program. When he’s not landing his plane on the taxiway or the golf course or having tea with me and the King of Jordan, he’s rescuing women from car crashes. Good to see that he’s still got his good samaritan fastball. If you’re one of the other bystanders at the scene, how do you stay focused? Sure, a woman’s life is at stake, but… it’s Han Solo. Indiana Jones. Jack Ryan. Rick Deckard. President James Marshall. Take your pick but either way, that woman can wait until I’ve asked some questions, taken some pictures, and written a blog about it.

If I were in a car crash, here are the 5 people I would want as my rescuers. I’m excluding Harrison Ford because we’re already friends:

1. The Rock

Obviously. Not only would we become fast friends, but if my car door was melted fast to the frame of the car, he could easily rip the metal apart with his bare hands. The Rock IS the Jaws of Life.

2. Julia Louis Dreyfuss

A national treasure. One of the coolest women of all time (honorable mention: Eleanor Roosevelt, Harriet Tubman, Angela Merkel). Timeless, ageless, classy, and hysterical. Oh, and she would probably subsidize a helicopter medivac.

3. Chris Martin

If Chris Martin pulled me out of a wrecked car, I’d assume I was dead because he’s an angel. I’d have him sing me “A Sky Full of Stars” a cappella in the ambulance and it would be perfectly alright if I perished to the soothing sounds of his falsetto.

4. Bill Murray

It would make a lot of sense that Bill Murray would be on the scene. Dude pops up wherever something interesting is happening. Of course, he’d probably push me farther into the car and sprinkle gasoline around the seats to make sure it was over. And that would be funny, because it’s Bill Murray.

5. Mahershala Ali

Have you seen Moonlight? The scene where he tells the kid it’s ok to be gay? I could be bleeding out with the steering wheel jammed up ass and if Mahershala Ali told me it would be ok, then I’d be happy. His voice is what I imagine it must feel like when men who actually like the taste of scotch drink good scotch.

PS- if you think I’m ever going to write a blog about Harrison Ford without reminding you of our friendship, you’re outside your mind.

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